Thursday 21 October 2010

FontSmith Catalogue

Existing catalogues that I have looked at to inform my design decision for my LCA Catalogue brief.

The Fontsmith booklet showcases some of the latest fonts that are available to buy, the booklet is sized really well as it's big enough to hold all the information that's required while still being pocket size for studios etc. This particular issue came with a Baseline magazine that I bought which caters perfectly for it's target audience - designers who are interested in typography. The whole booklet has been printed with 2 colours, an orange and a black which transfers from the cover to all the spreads. Layout wise it's very consistent throughout, making it a very functional booklet for people who are looking for specific fonts. The design of the booklet, even in such a small scale really does showcase the fonts very well, displaying them as design work as they are. I particularly like the smaller sheets that are bound into it, incorporating a particular gridded stock.

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